Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I am sure a lot of us have seen at least a single Superman movie or even the Superman TV series in the 90's or the early parts of this decade. As a kid, I was able to watch the evolution of Superman as what I would like to call it. Nothing much has changed except of course for the handsome young men who have portrayed the red-caped hero. Despite my continuous support for this character, I am still bothered by one fact or flaw of the story. It started when I was kid and watched my first Superman movie and until now, I just can't let go of it.

Why is it that people don't recognize him when Superman turns into Clark Kent. I mean, nothing much has changed except for the glasses, the curly bangs and the red and blue costume right? I still don't get it. I mean, what if contact lenses were invented first and not eye glasses, what then? You might think I'm overreacting but I'm just plain curious. Is there an explanation. Kindly enlighten me.