Thursday, July 2, 2009

Gone Too Soon

The news last week of the passing of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson came quite a shock. I myself couldn't believe the text message I received from a friend of mine early in the morning last Friday. I was scrolling down on the message to see if it was a joke and was looking for the punchline. There was none. So I had to turn on the TV to see if it was true. CNN was big on the news about MJ. I was shocked and goosebumps slowly creeped on my arms.

He was only 50 years old. So young. A great loss in the music industry. I don't think my childhood would ever be the same without the songs, Billie Jean, Beat It and of course the infamous music video of Thriller. No matter what people say about how he looked on the latter part of his life, he is still one of the best performers... ever!

So to all Michael Jackson fans, I too mourn for his passing. Rest in peace and enjoy jamming with the legends in heaven. :)

Here's a playlist of MJ and The Jackson 5 hits. Enjoy!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones!

Friday, May 22, 2009

I'm Here!

Yes, I am still breathing and I guess I'm still alive. Hehe! I've just been super busy for the upcoming board exams. That is why I have been quiet in this blog. It has been over a month since I last posted an entry here. Sheesh! My apologies. I swear once the exams are over, this blog will be updated before you can say 'popsicle'. :)

So anyway, I just want to share what I'm going through right now. I am super duper stressed. My eyebags are so big they're down to the floor. I'm looking more and more of a raccoon because of the dark circles under my eyes. Wait, I think the raccoon has white circles around its eyes..or is it black!? Oh never mind! So, there's the stress evident on my face but also I can't keep my hands from shaking from all the caffeine I've been taking just to stay up late to study. I have spilled coffee in our living room three times already. I had to put away the area rugs we have so as not spill any coffee on them. Haha!

I really wish my husband and I would pass the boards this June. So please pray for us. We still need to study more but there's not enough time. We're hoping for the best and (somewhat) preparing for the worst. Will keep you posted. Hope everyone is doing ok.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Sacrifices we have to Make

Speaking of holy week, my family followed a no-meat diet during this week. It's one of the sacrifices we have to make. Before, I remember trying to fast for a day. Unfortunately, after not eating breakfast and lunch, I felt faint in the late afternoon and decided to eat something before I collapse. I guess fasting is not for me.

Every year, I try to come up with other sacrifices that I can make. There was this year when I stopped smoking the whole holy week. That was when I was still smoking. There was also a time when I promised not to eat junk food (one of my vices). This year however, I am making the hardest sacrifice that I can think of. I promised I would abstain from shopping for the whole month of April. This is quite difficult especially when there are huge sale signs plastered on store windows. Waaa!

Any suggestions for next year's holy week sacrifice? What's yours for this year?

Holy Week

Holy week brings back a lot of memories when I was a child.

I remember watching The Ten Commandments on television back in the days when cable was non-existent. Yes, you got that right, we would always watch the story of Moses and the Ten Commandments because it was the only show on air during holy week. Also the local TV stations would also show the passion of Christ. I distinctly remember crying whenever the scene of the crucifixion would come up.

Besides watching these programs on local channels, my parents and grandparents would always remind us that at this time of the year, we should not be making any noise and boisterous laughter is a big no-no. They believe that it is inappropriate to be happy at this time when Jesus Christ was suffering. That's why our house would be super quiet. We're not even allowed to play outside. I guess that was our sacrifice during holy week.

But what I really remember during holy week was when my grandmother told me that on Good Friday, we should take a bath before 3:00 p.m. as this was the time when Jesus Christ died on the cross. If in any case we haven't taken a bath before this time, we're not allowed to do so anymore and would have to take a bath the following day. The reason behind this is that if ever we would take a bath past 3:00 p.m., the water that we would be using would turn to blood signifying Jesus Christ's death. Scary right?! So my brother and cousins would always fight our way as to who gets to take a bath first. Lol!

What about you? Care to share your holy week memories?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


In the mid 90's, the popular watch brand, Casio gave every teenager another entry in their wish list. And that is the Casio Baby-G series. Most of my friends had those jelly-strapped ones while the boys had mostly the black rubber strap.

I was one of those kids who totally nagged my parents just so they would be those really big jelly-strapped watches. Just as my parents gave in to my constant nagging, we went straight to the mall to look at them. As I was trying to fit one of them on (it was a pink one), I noticed that it didn't really suit me as it was too big for my then skinny wrist. I was so frustrated. I almost had it.

Now if that were to happen to me now, and this time with a Patek Philippe, I wouldn't mind if it was too big or too small for my wrist. Moral of the story, if you want something badly, don't let anything get in the way. Not even a skinny wrist. Lol.

Care to share your Baby-G story? Heehee.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"Flying T"

One of our "couple friends" were telling us that they were planning on buying a playhouse for their one-year old son. For someone who doesn't have a child yet, I have no idea how much these things cost. And I was really shocked that these plastic playhouses are quite expensive. This started our discussion about the "cheap" toys we had when we were growing up.

One of these is what we call the "Flying T". I have completely forgotten the name of this toy and was really happy (more of relieved) when our friend told me of its name. It's like a small helicopter blade made of plastic. You can get it as a free toy inside your favorite chips. All you have to do is just get the top part or the "blade" and insert the plastic that looks like a hard straw in the hole of the blade. Then in order for it to fly, you just need to put the toy in between your palms and in a rubbing motion, the toy will spin and just release it. Voila! The blades come in different colors and I remember asking my mom to buy the chips in stores where they sell wholesale products so that I can have a lot of those Flying T's in different colors.

Does anyone of you know what I'm talking about? I tried searching for a picture of it in google images but I can't find one. Just in case you're a kid in the early to mid 80's then you know what kind of toy I'm talking about.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Domesticated Spice Girl

Sometimes, there are still a lot of things to do but my energy level just can't handle it. Having the capacity to do chores after a long day is really difficult. Just like what happened yesterday when my husband and I just got back from our review class and was so dead tired. I realized that I need to do some folding from all the laundry that I've done last Saturday. Just looking at the pile of clothes made me want to just lie on the bed and sleep. Unfortunately, that was not an option.

So what I did was go to our audio racks to pick a CD to play while doing the folding. I needed something that has a fast beat and something that I would enjoy singing and dancing to. I chose the Spice Girls Greatest Hits album. Heehee!

I love the Spice Girls. I remember back in the late 90's, I was in college then, the Spice Girls was a huge hit. My friends and I would even pretend to be them whenever their song was playing on the radio. I was always Posh Spice. LOL. So anyway, I hit the shuffle button and played the CD. I was surprised to see that after three songs, I was almost done folding the laundry. I especially remember doing the dance steps of "Stop" when it played. That was one of my favorites. Here's a music file just in case you're folding the laundry while reading my blog. Teehee! Enjoy!

Stop - Spice Girls

Thank you Spice Girls! Till my next laundry day.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

80's Date Movies

Valentine's day is just a few days away and I'm pretty sure a lot of couples are planning their surprises for each other. A romantic dinner with candle lights, soft music playing on the background -- the works. But for me, I'd rather stay at home and watch a movie or if my husband's up for it, we would have a movie marathon.

So for those in my generation, I'm pretty sure you would be enjoying watching these romantic movies from the 80's:

1. Pretty in Pink - Who wouldn't love Molly Ringwald and the crazy 80's fashion.

2. Some Kind of Wonderful - Bestfriends turned lovers... at that time this concept in movies was still new. :)

3. Sixteen Candles - Another Molly Ringwald favorite.

4. Can't Buy Me Love - Before the McDreaminess...

5. Secret Admirer - I just love this movie. I remember channel 13 would always show this movie.

Happy watching and advance happy heart's day everyone!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fast Food Favorites

I just love the new commercial of McDonald's right now. You know the one where "Ang Huling El Bimbo" is playing on the background. The moment I saw those red and white tiles on the wall and the styrofoam containers for the burger made me really reminisce of the old McDonald's. It brings me back to the time when most or almost every McDonald's serve milkshake. I just can't get enough of them. My parents would always drive-thru at the McD's before going home and they would buy me a chocolate milkshake and large fries to go with it. Yummy! That would be my usual afternoon snack until I was 10 years old. Next to the milkshake and fries, I also love their hot fudge sundae. And just like in the commercial, I too would dip the fries into the sundae. Sweet and salty. Perfect! Now if only I stopped eating these kind of food when I reached college then I wouldn't have to go looking for weight loss pills like Fenphedra. Oh well...

What about you? What do you like ordering in your favorite fast food when you were young?

Cheers to a Great 2009!

I was so caught up with last Christmas' vacation that I was unable to update this blog. My apologies. Things have been crazy late last year. Apart from our very fabulous vacation, I was also busy with school. Yeah, surprise, surprise. So even if it's like the last week of January already, I would still like to greet everyone a happy new year! I hope everyone had the chance to stay in one of those really nice vacation rentals out of town. My husband and I did and it really gave us the break that we needed. This year is going to be more stressful and busy for sure so I am glad we had that vacation.

So, cheers to 2009! I'm welcoming every challenge and will be grateful for all the blessings. Bring it on 2009!