Monday, September 29, 2008

I wonder...

I've been trying to track down some of the child stars that were big, back in the 80's and 90's. I really can't remember some of their names because I was a kid myself back then but I remembered the roles they portrayed.

It's just sad whenever I read about some of those former child actors that have been seeking drug treatment. It's a shame to see their talent go to waste because of bad judgment. I do not condemn them but hope that they go to the best drug treatment center. It's better to see them come back to big screen doing cameo roles rather than seeing their faces in the tabloids.

Friday, September 26, 2008

(Gumamela) Soap Bubbles

Have you ever been scolded by your neighbors when you were a kid? I have. It was because I was picking out the leaves and flowers of their gumamela plant. If you were a kid in the 80's and 90's you'd know instantly why I did this. It was to make soap bubbles.

Honestly, I can't remember who told us or how we found out that pounding the leaves and the flower would help make the soap bubbles "last longer". Yes, I know, we were destroying mother nature again. Pardon the ignorance brought about by being young and with high resources and energy levels.

So we would be pounding the leaves and flowers (if there were any left) until we see a slimy greenish sap. Then we add the crushed leaves and flowers to a big tub of water with some laundry soap in it. We mix it well and voila! Soap bubble mixture. We'd then get a piece of wooden sticks that we can bend to make a bubble wand. But sometimes if there's time and if we have someone to make it for us (like my dad or uncle), we'd get a thin wire and we'd make a loop then wrap the loop with a cloth. This is way better than the wooden wand because it doesn't break plus there are more bubbles. :)

Now, blowing bubbles isn't that funny anymore because they're readily available in stores. The fun part in this is the picking of the leaves and flowers: you get to be dirty, you experience getting chased by or barked at by your neighbor's or (like me) get stung by a bee or hornet in the process.

A little bit of ranting

Forgive me for this rant but I just have to let this out. I am really tired of dieting. There I said it. I am not used to doing this. I am not used to not having my clothes fit me. You may say I'm shallow, go ahead. I don't care. But it really is frustrating when I go on a diet for a week or so and see no if not minimal results only. Believe me, I could just as easily take diet pills and get this weight loss in full gear but that's the easy way out. I want to do it the "old-fashioned way". All I'm asking is to see results. A little positive reinforcement so to speak. Is that too much to ask?

Missing the Dragonflies

I was up early this morning. Shocking I know. I had to drop off A to the shuttle terminal and feed and walk the dog. While feeding the dog, I was looking at the different flowers looking fresh from the rainfall last night.

Then something distracted me. It was a bluegreen dragonfly. A tutubi in my native language. I was steady for a moment and observed where it landed. No, I was not scared but merely afraid that it might fly away. It's been a while since I've seen these flying in our garden. And I can only blame myself and my other playmates when we were still kids.

You see, when we were still kids we would catch these dragonflies and tie a string on the end part of their body. I know, I know... it's cruel. We were young and ignorant back then. My apologies to the dragonfly kingdom. But in my defense, I really didn't hurt them. I let them go after playing with them and they're still in tact -- they can still fly afterwards.

This is why I guess after how many years, it is only seldom that I see dragonflies in our neighborhood. I do hope they visit us again. I miss seeing them around. I promise I won't tie them up.

Monday, September 22, 2008

What Popsicle Flavor Are You?

Saw this in blogthings and thought that it's perfect for the name of my blog. So I took the test. Here's the result:

You Are a Chocolate Flavored Popsicle

You are hedonistic. For you, summer is all about indulging your five senses.

Some people may call you spoiled, but your simply the type of person who knows what they want.

You have sophisticated tastes. You like sweet things as much as the next person, but you don't like cheap treats.

You're much more drawn to the dramatic in all aspects of life - including dramatic desserts.

Not quite sure I agree with the "but does not like cheap treats". Me? I am so low maintenance. :)

From Walkmans to MP3 players

I wonder how our life would be without mp3 players? As an avid music listener, I always carry with me my player. It used to be a disc player in the 90's and a Walkman in the 80's. I don't think I can imagine my life without any of these gadgets. I remember memorizing the exact number of seconds for me to rewind the tape when I was using my Walkman. It got easier when we had the discman but the downside was that I had to bring along with me my favorite CDs that I wanted to listen to for that particular day. Being a fickle minded person that I am, it was tough. I always end up bringing at least a dozen CDs just in case I didn't feel like playing the album I intended to listen to that day. But now listening to music is easy and hassle-free. No more rewinding of the cassette tape nor heavy, bulky CD case in the bag. Ipods and other brands of mp3 players spread like wildfire. Now people can bring their music with them anytime and anywhere.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Stealing: The "All About Me" Meme

I'm back for another Sunday Stealing!

This time, it's "stolen" from a blogger named Alex of Someday Syndrome.

Let the stealing begin:

I am: still sleepy.

I think: I need to start losing weight... fast!

I know: I can never get rid off these excess fats if I don't stop eating chips and ice cream. LOL.

I have: always wanted to be an interior designer.

I wish: I can sing like Charice Pempengco. :)

I hate: cramming!

I miss: my mom and dad.

I fear: that I might not be able to lose 15 lbs before November ends.

I hear: our neighbors again singing in their karaoke.

I smell: freshly brewed coffee.

I crave: chips and ice cream (help me pls!).

I search: for that one thing that I am passionate about.

I wonder: if airfare prices would still go down before December.

I regret: not exercising as often as I could.

I love: my family, bebe and friends.

I ache: from my head down to my feet.

I am not: in the mood for any BS.

I believe: in God, heaven and hell.

I dance: like no one's watching.

I sing: like a deranged hyena.

I cry: like a baby at times.

I fight: for what I believe in.

I win: at videogames and chips eating contest (if there's any!)

I lose: in math contests (hate numbers!)

I never: backout of an argument. hehe!

I always: lose my appetite when I'm angry.

I confuse: Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.

I listen: to Abba, Tom Jones and the Carpenters when I miss my parents. :)

I can usually be found: either in my room, the mall or in a friend's house.

I am scared: heights and spiders (Ick!).

I need: to finish this fast because we're leaving in a minute. LOL.

I am happy about: getting the car fixed. Whew!

I imagine: living in a world where riches and power have no value.

Sesame Street Moment #5

I just love Ernie and Bert. Their contrasting personalities is I guess one of the things that make them even more lovable. This video has got to be one of my favorite scenes that I could remember when I was still a kid.

I just can't help but laugh when Bert thought it was a better idea if Ernie would count balloons instead of the loud fire engine and bah-ah-ing sheep. The look on Bert's face when the balloon popped was really priceless. :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Naida says... and I think:

1. pink... lemonade
2. shoe... shopping
3. zebra... prints
4. school... vacation
5. button... mushrooms
6. kiss... and makeup
7. over... the rainbow
8. pool... side party
9. you
10. seven... dwarfs

Now, I'm in the mood to drink pink lemonade, go shopping for shoes and watch The Wizard of Oz and Snow White. LOL.

I wonder what others are "really" thinking. Check them out here.

A Compliment

I don't understand why some people would undergo certain treatments or surgeries for that matter and not admit that they had one even if the results were so obvious. I mean, we only noticed the positive results that's why we're asking right? Well, for me that is the case. So I just can't help but laugh and be puzzled when I asked my friend if she's undergone an acne treatment because her acne is disappearing by the week. She's slowly becoming flawless which is great for her self-esteem. I wasn't putting her down or anything and I definitely wasn't making fun of her. I just wanted a bit of confirmation and maybe ask for some tips as well. LOL. Seriously though, it's a compliment my dear friend. You're looking great!

Back to School

Being a back-to-school individual is a bit stressful but there's one advantage that I love about this. It's having sembreaks and summer vacations again. Unlike when I was still part of the corporate world, there would not be any breaks nor vacations that would last for more than a month (max!). There is no escape from seeing my boss, computer and office furniture. True, I get something out of it but there are times that I just don't want to go to work and just stay at home all day doing nothing but watch DVD marathons of my favorite TV series. I guess this is what you call burnout. Now that I'm a full time student, life became less complicated. Exams and hospital duties are my main concern now and I'm loving it. Now all I need is to make myself standout while wearing our white uniform. LOL.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Saturday 9: Out to Lunch (or Dinner)

1. When you go to a restaurant, do you usually order the same thing? It depends, if I'm really hungry, I opt to stick to my usual order. I get pretty irritable when I'm so hungry and then I try out something new which turns out to be not so yummy. But if I'm not that hungry I try something new from the menu rather than my "usual".

2. What is your favorite fish dish?
I would have to say Fish & Chips.

3. What is your favorite meat dish? This includes chicken right? LOL. If yes, then nothing beats a traditional fried chicken. This is one of my favorite comfort food.

4. What is you favorite vegetable? I'm not really a veggie lover but I do love to eat squash, cucumber and broccoli flower.

5. How often to you eat out?
Probably an average of 2-3 times a week.

6. Do you usual order dessert? If yes, what? Of course! The best part of the meal is having dessert. :-) I particularly "need" to order dessert after eating Chinese food to get rid of the oily aftertaste in my mouth. Desserts that come to mind are: ice cream (chocolate-based), pastries (if possible, should also be chocolate-based), or a simple fruit like ripe mangoes or banana will do. Hmmm... I think I know where all my extra pounds are coming from. LOL.

7. Do you like a particular after dinner drink? If it was a heavy meal, I see to it that I drink green tea. But if it's just to get rid of the aftertaste of the meal, then any cold, sweet and fruit/dairy drink will do.

8. How far would you drive to go to a favorite restaurant? Hmmm... I guess a two-hour drive max.

9. Do you like to dine with just one person or a group? It doesn't matter really. As long as it's with "good company" then I'm ok.

Let's see what other people say about this. Check it out here!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday 5: Orange

My first time to join Friday 5. Wee!
I love the Orange theme for this week.

1. What's your favorite orange-colored food?
Just like my name... a popsicle. :-)

2. What's the best way to drink orange juice?
The best way to drink it is to drink it cold paired with a big bag of chips! Yummy!

3. Which candy's orange-colored pieces taste best?
Hmmm... I guess m&m's and Skittles.

4. What are your feelings about orange soda?
I love orange soda. I drink it when I get tired of the others.

5. When did you last wear an orange item of clothing?
Hmmm.... probably last year. And it's really not orange, more of tangerine. I can't wear it these days because ummm.... well, I've gained a "couple" of pounds. Waa!!

More of this Orange-y entries here.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Troll Dolls

One of the dolls that I used to collect in the 90's were the Troll dolls. I remember Gift Gate would have hundreds of these little creatures dressed in every kind of outfit. Their hair color would vary from red to green and even yellow. They started out as naked trolls and as soon as the trend picked up, they were selling trolls with every kind of outfit you could think of. I think I probably have five big ones with different outfits and I also have those little naked trolls. I even remember my mom buying me a shirt with a huge troll doll printed on it.

I don't know why we love them. I mean, they look pretty scary at night especially if they're in a glass cabinet and they're all staring at you in your room. Creepy! Hehe! Me and my imagination. But seriously, they're not like the Gloworms or the Little Pony and Friends that really look cute. Well, no matter what the reason is, the truth is we adored and collected these spike-haired dolls.

Care to share how many troll dolls you've collected in the 90's? Come on don't be shy!