Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Stealing: The "All About Me" Meme

I'm back for another Sunday Stealing!

This time, it's "stolen" from a blogger named Alex of Someday Syndrome.

Let the stealing begin:

I am: still sleepy.

I think: I need to start losing weight... fast!

I know: I can never get rid off these excess fats if I don't stop eating chips and ice cream. LOL.

I have: always wanted to be an interior designer.

I wish: I can sing like Charice Pempengco. :)

I hate: cramming!

I miss: my mom and dad.

I fear: that I might not be able to lose 15 lbs before November ends.

I hear: our neighbors again singing in their karaoke.

I smell: freshly brewed coffee.

I crave: chips and ice cream (help me pls!).

I search: for that one thing that I am passionate about.

I wonder: if airfare prices would still go down before December.

I regret: not exercising as often as I could.

I love: my family, bebe and friends.

I ache: from my head down to my feet.

I am not: in the mood for any BS.

I believe: in God, heaven and hell.

I dance: like no one's watching.

I sing: like a deranged hyena.

I cry: like a baby at times.

I fight: for what I believe in.

I win: at videogames and chips eating contest (if there's any!)

I lose: in math contests (hate numbers!)

I never: backout of an argument. hehe!

I always: lose my appetite when I'm angry.

I confuse: Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.

I listen: to Abba, Tom Jones and the Carpenters when I miss my parents. :)

I can usually be found: either in my room, the mall or in a friend's house.

I am scared: heights and spiders (Ick!).

I need: to finish this fast because we're leaving in a minute. LOL.

I am happy about: getting the car fixed. Whew!

I imagine: living in a world where riches and power have no value.


Mimi Lenox said...

A deranged hyena, huh? Ha!
Happy Sunday Stealing!

I'm up here Sunday Stealing with Judd Corizan

Coriander Dreams said...

Ooooh I share your dislike for those creeeeepy crawlies aka Spideys!!!

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

Since the coffe is ready, can I have a cup? Great job. Have a great Sunday!

ShannonW said...

I love your last response to "I imagine!"

Lisa G said...

Mmmmmm the smell of coffee--I'm with you there! Happy Sunday Stealing!

Deana said...

A deranged hyena? That is funny. I might be that bad too.

Wapsicle said...

@ Mimi: Yup! And that's on a good day after vocalizing. LOL!

@ Coriander dreams: Yup! Hate those eight-legged freaks. Iiick!!

@ Bud: Sure I'll FEDEX a large cup of coffee. Not sure if it'll be as hot when it gets there. :) Happy Sunday!

@ Shannon: Thanks! I wonder if that'll make life easier for some?

@ Nurse exec: You want a cup too like Bud? :)

@ Deana: LOL. Hey maybe we can do a duet? :)