Sunday, August 24, 2008

Game and Watch

I've always been a video game freak. My fingers would all get cramps from playing too long and I would have to blink a couple of times just to keep my eyes moist because it has gone dry from not blinking while playing. My favorite PSP game at the moment is the Gods of War. I'm now at the Spartan level.

But before the birth of the PSP, Wii and Xbox 360, kids of the 80's had the Nintendo Game and Watch. It was such a small video game but the kids back then had no point of comparison so it was all good. Haha! I remember the first time I held our very own Game and Watch Popeye game, my brother can't stop fighting on who gets to play with it the longest. My parents would always keep the video game during weekdays so we wouldn't get distracted while doing our school work. Come weekend, my dad would give us the Game and Watch and my brother and I would take turns playing. I love playing Popeye and Octopus. I remember bringing the Popeye game to school without my parents knowing it. Unfortunately, I lost it. I don't know if it fell from my bag or someone stole it but it's gone. Ssshh! Our little secret. Hehehe!

Does anyone remember these video games? What's your favorite game?


Coriander Dreams said...

i remember loving both those Game&Watch games! popeye and the octopus games..

i also loved playing pacman on the huge desk top computer we used to have. so many other games that i spent time on! oh, days of our youth!

Wapsicle said...

Me too! My hands and fingers would go start having spasms and worse my fingers would go numb from playing these games. LOL! Adik!

Anonymous said...

i had these games too! plus there's this one game and watch game that has the helicopter and eats the people beneath it hehehe super mario is still my favorite and getting the 100 lives :-P

Wapsicle said...

Rhea!! Wee! Nice to see you here. Mario is also my favorite. I kept asking my boyfriend if he has a Mario game in his PSP. Hahaha!