Friday, August 29, 2008

Babies and Exercise

Back when I was still studying up until I started working after graduation, I noticed that I've been slowly gaining weight. It is only now that I've realized (after much denial) that I have gained a lot of weight for the past seven years. What kills me is that I saw one of my friends the other day and she looks slim as ever despite the fact that she has a nine-month old baby. I asked her for her secret and she just told me she exercises a lot. I was then puzzled as to how she manages to exercise because I know she doesn't have a nanny and so for sure she's busy taking care of the baby. She probably saw the look on my face and told me that it was all possible because she owns a Bob stroller.

Being the complete single and ignorant friend that I was, I asked her what it was. She said that it's one of the best gifts she's ever had received on her baby shower. Apparently this stroller enables her to go on walks or even jog while her baby is secured in her stroller. She says she doesn't have to use the car anymore while doing small errands. She just walks and brings along her baby with her.

Now that I know her secret, there's only one problem left. I don't have a baby. LOL!