It's funny how before some people would dress up in the coolest outfits only to find out after a decade that what was once cool would make you cringe at the sight of it.
I say this because as I was rummaging in the
moving boxes that were in our garage when I saw a couple of my high school pictures. They were taken in the early 90's when it was cool to make two to three folds on the sleeves of your shirt and to fold your high waisted jeans up. No, it wasn't because the sleeves nor the pants were too long. It was just a 'fashion statement' at that time.
That was too much to take in on an early Wednesday morning. I was merely looking for my baby photos when these were the ones that surfaced. I thought I got rid of those photos.
My eyes were wide with disbelief that I actually looked proud wearing those pants and shirt. Hahaha! I know, I shouldn't be embarrassed about my past but that didn't mean I should not laugh at myself and the people with me in the picture right? LOL!
In order to save face and to avoid getting arrested by the fashion police, I refuse to post those pictures (plus the fact that I have buried them already). LOL! Instead, I saw this picture in Google images. It kind of looks like the ones in my photos only they look cooler than me. Haha!
So, do you have any cringing moment with your past outfits?