Sunday, April 13, 2008

"Pop" the Magic Dragon

Population Culture or more commonly known as Pop Culture is something constant. It varies but it is constant. But what does it really mean? According to Wikipedia, "This is often defined or determined by the mass media. Popular culture is deemed as what is popular within the social context — that of which is most strongly represented by what is perceived to be popularly accepted among society... It can include any number of practices, including those pertaining to cooking, clothing, consumption, mass media and the many facets of entertainment such as sports and literature."

For me pop culture is something that is constant. It may vary but it is still constant. It also depicts a certain identity in the sense that it suggests the kind of people that lived in that kind of culture. It is not just about the music, clothes, literature etc that are popular at that time but the manner in which these people lived and managed their lives.

It is quite interesting actually. My experience the other day in the mall inspired me to create this blog (my 4th!). You see, I was doing some window shopping when I saw a swarm of people in this one store. I thought there was a major sale but it turns out that they were just going gaga over some flip flops. Don't get me wrong I love them too but having four pairs is enough for me. This got me thinking and after a day, "tada!" out came Wapsicle Popsicle.

So I am hoping to share what I have seen in the three decades of my existence. I wish to amuse (those that are in my generation), inform (those that were still unborn at that time) and probably annoy (those who are in denial.. LOL.. kidding!) some that may have had a bad encounter related to pop culture.