Friday, June 20, 2008


During a hot and humid day, it really feels great to be sipping something sweet and very cold. Usually if it's not a fruit shake then it would probably be something from Quickly like their best-seller Taro Ice or my favorite, Choco Loco.

But before there was Quickly,a somewhat similar drink was available, though it only has one flavor, the kids back then didn't mind. It's color pink and it also has sago (tapioca).

It was unfortunate however that I wasn't allowed by my parents to buy this on the streets for fear of getting food poisoning. Sus! Wala pa ngang Hepa non eh. LOL! I was a bit sheltered back then. Hehe! I'll post a different entry about this one. Mahaba-habang usapan to! LOL! So anyway, it was just recently, well not really recently but a couple of years back that I got to taste Scramble. I was in Puerto Galera back then and I was shocked to see a man selling Scramble. I got so excited that even if I was lactose intolerant and it was 9:00 a.m., I didn't care and got my first taste of the sweet pink drink. It tasted alright but the fact that it took me more than 20 years to taste it made it a bit special. Hehe!

What about you, care to share your Scramble moment? Teehee!

**Photo courtesy of Sapot-Litrato